Monday, July 28, 2008

Por el Mundo

Customer Review: POR EL MUNDO IS A GREAT CD!
What can I say I LOVE THIS CD! But whats so good about it well number 1 I love the lead singers voice (Jose Guadalupe). To me he has a voice to kill for but thats just my opinion you might think diferently. But as far as i'm concerned i think this is a super album to buy cause every song on here is so good my personal favorite well... it would have to be number 3 (Aqui No Mas.) I just love that song I can not explain the feeling I get when I hear this song it makes me feel so good inside not to metion like I want to dance. but the song (Espinas) is good to hey there all good thats why I think you should buy this cd you will love it if you like banda musica like I do. Look i'm going to be honest with you I would never tell someone to buy a cd I never herd or thought was not a good cd to buy thats how I am but everybody has different taste in musica so u may like it may not but I know I love it and i'm so glad i bought it I would never get rid of it. Even though it is an old album of theres I still listen to it to this day thats how much I love this cd it was one of the best investments i ever made. I am a musica freak and I love mexican musica and and if you do to buy this cd.

So youve invested in a state-of-the-art guitar what next? Chances are youll need an amplifier. Guitar amplifiers are an essential part of your music gear; in fact, most musicians agree that a good guitar is no use without a good amp.

When shopping for an amp, you usually have four options: tube, solid state, digital, and hybrid. While the last two are certainly more high-tech, newer isnt always better when it comes to amps. Each type has its own advantages, and it all comes down to your budget and personal preference.

Tube guitar amplifier

The first amps to become available were tube amps. Many experts find them their warm, full tone more natural, and digital amps have tried and failed to duplicate it. Another reason theyre still around is power-saving: they sound much louder than solid-state and digital amps at the same wattage. The only drawback is that the glass tubes break easily, so youll have to be careful moving them around.

Solid state guitar amplifiers

In solid-state amps, the tubes are replaced by transistors. While this makes them sturdier, it tends to make them sound harsh or distorted at high frequency. However, these amps will stand up to heavy use better than tube amps.

Digital guitar amplifier

Digital amps are programmed to imitate a wide range of amp sounds, including distortions, riffs, and the classic tube amp sound. Cheaper digital amps sound synthetic, but with high-end ones you can hardly tell the difference. Get a digital amp if you like being creative and trying out different styles.

Hybrid guitar amplifiers

These amps combine tube and solid-state technology into a single machine. The sound quality isnt as great as the original tube amps, but they will do if you want tube-quality sound without spending on a high-end digital amp.

More guitar amplifier information is available in Picky Guide which contains thousands of quality product information for picky consumers.

latin music artists

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